Timmendorf Beach Business Directory Page 6

Timmendorf Beach Business directory Page 6

> Germany > Schleswig-Holstein > Ostholstein > Timmendorf Beach

Business entries of Timmendorf Beach are listed here with address, opening hours and reviews of users. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Timmendorf Beach entries

There were 1132 entries found


Strandallee 49
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 0 4503 87040
 (+49) 0 4503 870428

Am Kurpark
23669, Timmendorfer Strand


Poststr. 2
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

Birkenallee 1
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 0 4503 889667


Möhlenbreede 22
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 04503 4684

Kurparkstr. 7
23669, Timmendorfer

 (04503) 4185
 (04503) 701487

Strandstr. 158
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 04503 2601

Kurpromenade 2
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 04503 6853

Strandstr. 123
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 0 4503 701678

Poststr. 70
23669, Timmendorfer Strand


Seestr. 6
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 04503-701397

Strandallee 152
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 04503-87000
 (+49) 04503-870013

Friedrich-August-Str. 6
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 0450335550
 (+49) 04503355510

Wohrbarg 11
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 +49 (0)450386577

Timmendorfer Platz 12B
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 04503 8183
 04503 707438

Strandstr. 118
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 0 45032572
 (+49) 0 450386425

An der Mühlenau 1
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 0 451 - 283471

Strandallee 83
23669, Timmendorfer Strand


Otto Langbehn Str. 4
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (04503) 889401

Timmendorfer Platz 16
23669, Timmendorfer Strand

 (+49) 04503 4033

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Cities & surrounding

Timmendorf Beach branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Timmendorf Beach in this month. This month 24 companies were registered, 52 were updated and 46 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Timmendorf Beach December 2024Diagram Timmendorf BeachDiagram Timmendorf Beach December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Timmendorf Beach with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Timmendorf Beach 2024Statistics Timmendorf BeachStatistics Timmendorf Beach 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Timmendorf Beach