Technical textiles for medical applications Business Directory Page 65

Technical textiles for medical applications Business directory Page 65

> Business Directory > Textiles and Clothing > Fabrics > Technical textiles for medical applications

Technical textiles for medical applications entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here containing address, opening hours and experience reports of customers. You can register your own company entry or association on this page.

Technical textiles for medical applications entries

There were 1497 entries found


Eisenacher Str. 1
10777, Berlin

 +49 (0)30 236 28 266
 +49 (0)30 214 17 57

Xantener Str. 66
40670, Meerbusch

 02159 81270

Bahnhofstr. 33
52146, Würselen

 02405 21039
 02405 94357

Carl-Schuricht-Str. 3
65187, Wiesbaden

 +49 (0) 611 8904409
 +49 (0) 611 8907605


Immelmannstr. 40
86899, Landsberg am Lech

 +49 (0) 8191428905

Ziegelstr. 25
09661, Hainichen

 +49 (0) 37207 46281
 +49 (0) 37207 462820

Overbruchstr. 88
47178, Duisburg

 +49 (0) 203 479 09 0
 +49 (0) 203 479 09 45 0

Rathausmarkt 2B
23617, Stockelsdorf

 0451 4993034

Schlierseer Str. 1
83714, Lehner

 08025 3388
 08025 6616

Pettenkoferstr. 15
66955, Pirmasens

 +49 (0)633140479
 +49 (0)6331213747

Rosengasse 10
74336, Brackenheim

 (+49) 0713598770
 (+49) 07135987721

Schnellerstr. 21
12439, Berlin

 030 48 62 6

Behringstr. 70
44225, Dortmund

 (+49) 0 231 711207

Heinrichstr. 2
21244, Buchholz in der Nordheide

 (+49) 04181 32302
 (+49) 04181 350990

Draisstr. 2C
91522, Ansbach

 (+49) 0 9818151
 (+49) 0 98182752

Trierer Str. 23
66839, Schmelz

 (+49) 06887 92345
 (+49) 06887 92322

Bergstr. 11
06679, Granschütz

 034441 - 93929
 034441 - 93010

Mittelweg 121
20148, Hamburg

 (+49) 0 40 440221
 (+49) 0 40 417134

Rohrdorfer Straße 8
83071, Stephanskirchen

 (08031) 2319088
 (08031) 2319086

Ahlhorner Str. 35
49429, Visbek

 (+49) 04445961115
 (04445) 961116

<< 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 >>


Cities & surrounding

Technical textiles for medical applications branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Technical textiles for medical applications in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 4 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Technical textiles for medical applications December 2024Diagram Technical textiles for medical applicationsDiagram Technical textiles for medical applications December 2024UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Technical textiles for medical applications with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Technical textiles for medical applications 2024Statistics Technical textiles for medical applicationsStatistics Technical textiles for medical applications 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics