Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock Business Directory Page 58

Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock Business directory Page 58

> Germany > North Rhine-Westphalia > Regierungsbezirk Detmold > Gütersloh > Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

Business entries of Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock are listed here containing informations of contact, hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own business entry or association here.

Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock entries

There were 1412 entries found


Kattenheide 47
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (+49) 0 5207/5942

Fosse Bredde 19
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 +49 (0)5203 / 5996

Kattenheide 147
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (+49) 05207889650
 (+49) 05207889652

Tenge - Rietberg - Str. 12
Schloß Holte
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock


An Der Heller 17C
Schlo Holte
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 +49 (0)5207 1881
 +49 (0)5207 77433

Holter Str. 324
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (+49) 05207920563
 (+49) 05207 4697

Ludwig-Beck-Weg 10
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock


Lönsweg 8
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 +49 (0) 52074700

Nelkenweg 4
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (+49) 0 5207 / 921037
 (05207) 921039

Falkenstr. 91 - 97
Schloß Holte
33758, Schloß


An der Heller 32
Schloß Holte
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (+49) 05207-920414
 (+49) 05207-50537

Paderborner Str. 89
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 +49 (0)5257 2349

Helleforthstr. 174
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 +49 (0)201-89180

Hellweg 193
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (05207) 912311

Eulenweg 14-20
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (+49) 0520789580
 (+49) 05207895888

Liemker Str. 17
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

Kirchstr. 11
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock


Orffweg 11
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (+49) 0520750931

Kastanienweg 17
33758, Schloß

Wagnerweg 7
Schloß Holte
33758, Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock

 (05207) 991050
 (05207) 991051

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Cities & surrounding

Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock March 2025Diagram Schloß Holte-StukenbrockDiagram Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock March 2025New registrationDeleteUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock 2025Statistics Schloß Holte-StukenbrockStatistics Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock