Rhauderfehn Business Directory Page 2

Rhauderfehn Business directory Page 2

> Germany > Lower Saxony > Leer > Rhauderfehn

Rhauderfehn entries of companies, administrations and associations are listed here containing informations of contact-data, operation hours and experience reports of users. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.

Rhauderfehn entries

There were 927 entries found


Rhauderwieke 3
26817, Rhauderfehn

 +49 (0) 4952 - 7979

Werftstr. 2
26817, Rhauderfehn

 +49 (0) 4952 2671
 +49 (0) 4952 942275

Untenende 72
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (+49) 04952990040

Neerbargen 10
26817, Rhauderfehn


Rhauderwieke 74
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (+49) 04952 1550
 (+49) 04952 81550

Hoogekamp 9
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (+49) 04952808287

Untenende 69
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (+49) 04952990888

Birkhahnstr. 44
26817, Rhauderfehn

Dwarsweg 58
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (04952) 8097150
 (04952) 8097151

1. Südwieke 186
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (+49) 0 4952 921234
 (+49) 0 4952 921235

Rhauderwieke 3
26817, Rhauderfehn

 +49 (0)495281761
 +49 (0)495281762

Mühlenstr. 45
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (+49) 04952 2167
 (+49) 04952 81216

1. Südwieke 62
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (04952) 894138

Schuhmacherstr. 18
26817, Rhauderfehn

 +49 (0) 4952990090
 +49 (0) 4952990080

Südwieke 21
26817, Rhauderfehn


Ringstraße 6
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (04967) 912229

Rhauderwieke 5
26817, Rhauderfehn

 +49 (0) 4952990302

Hauptstr. 142
26817, Rhauderfehn


Holter Weg 22
26817, Rhauderfehn

 (+49) 0 4952-921710

Untenende 21
26817, Rhauderfehn


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Cities & surrounding

Rhauderfehn branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Rhauderfehn in this month. This month 26 companies were registered, 73 were updated and 11 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Rhauderfehn December 2024Diagram RhauderfehnDiagram Rhauderfehn December 2024UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Rhauderfehn with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Rhauderfehn 2024Statistics RhauderfehnStatistics Rhauderfehn 202401632486480November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Rhauderfehn