Refuse treatment - companies Business directory Page 9
> Business Directory > Business Services > Environment > Refuse treatment - companies
Business entries of Refuse treatment - companies are listed here with contact-address, operation hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own company entry or organization on this page.
Refuse treatment - companies entries
There were 290 entries found
Herrenchiemseestr. 19
81669, München
01728212024 |
Im Wiesengrund 11
34253, Lohfelden
(+49) 0 5608883 | |
(+49) 0 56084374 |
Südring 2
34497, Korbach
056319540 | |
05631954370 |
Bataverstr. 21
47809, Krefeld
(+49) 02151572970 | |
(+49) 02152207271 |
Rheingaustr. 199
65719, Hofheim am Taunus
0619299600 | |
06192996040 |
Pappelallee 1
18565, Insel Hiddensee
+49 (0)3830050579 |
Cities & surrounding
Refuse treatment - companies branches and surrounding
- Germany
- Air pollution control services
- Building debris - recycling
- Cardboard recycling
- Chemical waste - collection and recycling
- Damaged goods - recovery and recycling
- Decontamination of industrial waste
- Domestic waste treatment
- Engine disposal
- Environment - advice and checking
- Environmental audit
- Environmental clean-up services
- Environmental monitoring laboratories
- Glass - collection and recycling
- Industrial waste management
- Medical laboratories
- Metals - recovery and recycling
- Oils - recovery and recycling
- Packaging recycling
- Paper - collection and recycling
- Parks and gardens - consultants
- Plastics - recovery and recycling
- Pollution control - cleaning of premises
- Processing and recycling of waste
- Radioactive waste - reprocessing and storage
- Sanitation
- Scrap iron - salvaging and recycling
- Slaughterhouse waste - recovery and recycling
- Soil and water analysis
- Textiles - recovery and recycling
- Treatment of industrial waste water
- Water purification services
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Economic activity March 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Refuse treatment - companies in this month. This month 6 companies were registered, 7 were updated and 11 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Refuse treatment - companies with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.