Radeburg Business Directory Page 11

Radeburg Business directory Page 11

> Germany > Saxony > Meißen > Radeburg

Radeburg entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing contact-data, operation hours and reviews of users. You can add your own company entry or organization here.

Radeburg entries

There were 468 entries found


Berbisdorfer Hauptstr. 45
01471, Radeburg

 (+49) 0 3520881320

Hospitalstr. 2A
01471, Radeburg

 +49 (0) 35208 2655

Riesstr. 4
01471, Radeburg

 035208 950 0
 035208 95052

Bahnhofstr. 17
01471, Radeburg

 (+49) 0352082009
 (+49) 0352082335


August-Bebel-Str. 3
01471, Radeburg


Dresdner Str. 6
01471, Radeburg


Anbaustr. 71
01471, Radeburg

 +49 (0)35208 80340
 +49 (0)35208 80341

Groenhainer Str. 58
01471, Radeburg

 +49 (0)352082374
 +49 (0)352082374

Heinrich - Zille - Str. 13
01471, Radeburg

 (+49) 0 35208 2021

Großenhainer Platz 4
01471, Radeburg

 035208 / 4322
 035208 / 4322

Grossenhainer Str. 12
01471, Radeburg

 +49 (0)35208 - 4325

Moritzburger Str.
01471, Radeburg

 +49 (0) 352088430
 +49 (0) 3520884360

Glasstr. 4
01471, Radeburg

 (+49) 0352082754

An den Ziegeleien
01471, Radeburg

Lindenallee 1A
01471, Radeburg

 +49 (0) 35208 / 92981

Meiner Str. 2
01471, Radeburg


Radeburger Str. 1
Kurort Volkersdorf
01471, Radeburg


Alte Poststr. 2
01471, Radeburg

 +49 (0)35208 2728
 +49 (0)3520829940

Schmiedestraße 1
01471, Radeburg

 (035207) 8 04 45
 (035207) 8 04 46

Radeburger Str. 44
Kurort Volkersdorf
01471, Radeburg

 +49 (0) 35207 / 89060
 +49 (0) 35207 / 89061

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Cities & surrounding

Radeburg branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Radeburg in this month. This month 31 companies were registered, 89 were updated and 76 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Radeburg December 2024Diagram RadeburgDiagram Radeburg December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Radeburg with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Radeburg 2024Statistics RadeburgStatistics Radeburg 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Radeburg