Programming and software Business Directory Page 8

Programming and software Business directory Page 8

> Business Directory > Information Technology > IT Services > Programming and software

Business entries of Programming and software are listed here with contact, opening hours and reviews. You can enlist your own company entry or association on this page.

Programming and software entries

There were 559 entries found


Rosenplatz 4
09126, Chemnitz

 (0371) 5382718
 (0371) 5382719

Nufringer Str.
71083, Herrenberg

Göttinger Chaussee 115
30459, Hannover

 +49 (0)511 2628016

Hauptstr. 110
10827, Berlin



Uhlandstr. 12
79423, Heitersheim

 +49 (0)76 34 56 12 0
 +49 (0)76 34 56 12 300

Sybelstr. 9
10629, Berlin

 +49 (0)308872460
 +49 (0)3088724646

Wernitzgrüner Str. 14
08265, Erlbach

 (+49) 0 374226163
 (+49) 0 374226162

Mauerstr. 18
59269, Beckum

 +49 (0) 2525 9304 / 0
 +49 (0) 2525 9304 / 55

Nigelenkamp 10
45739, Oer-Erkenschwick

Ohmstrasse 1
85716, Unterschleißheim

 +49 (0)89 - 3237090
 +49 (0)89 - 3709 - 29

Poststr. 16
49808, Lingen (Ems)

 (+49) 0591-9152962

Petermax-Mller-Str. 3
30880, Laatzen


Leipziger Platz 12
08371, Glauchau

Rungholtstr. 65
25813, Südermarsch


Robert - Bosch - Str. 28
88131, Lindau

 +49 (0) 8382-2772780
 +49 (0) 8382-2734773

Danziger Str. 36
Prenzlauer Berg
10435, Berlin

 (+49) 030 44358012

Stuttgarter Str. 42
71691, Freiberg

Haydnstr. 2
63791, Karlstein-Dettingen

 (06188) 6371
 (06188) 6075

Am kleinen Wege 24
27243, Harpstedt

 04244 - 919429

Marschnerstr. 12
81245, München

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Cities & surrounding

Programming and software branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Programming and software in this month. This month 47 companies were registered, 55 were updated and 43 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Programming and software March 2025Diagram Programming and softwareDiagram Programming and software March 2025UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Programming and software with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Programming and software 2025Statistics Programming and softwareStatistics Programming and software 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics