Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment Business directory Page 67
> Business Directory > Precision Equipment > Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment
Business entries of Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment are listed here containing contact-data, operation hours and experience reports of users. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.
Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment entries
There were 2215 entries found
Landrat-Beushausen-Str. 26
31061, Alfeld (Leine)
(+49) 05181 84440 | |
(+49) 05181 84444 |
Neuer Wall 13
20354, Hamburg
(+49) 040 353111 | |
(+49) 040 35333 |
Sodenweg 17
61197, Florstadt
+49 (0) 60358406 | |
+49 (0) 6035971845 |
Vord. Weichselgartenstr. 2
90522, Oberasbach
09116999697 | |
0911 6 99 95 95 |
Marienplatz 2
70178, Stuttgart
+49 (0)711 6402122 | |
+49 (0)711 6403638 |
Wilhelm-Hauff-Str. 41
88214, Ravensburg
+49 (0) 7 51 36 65 00 | |
+49 (0) 7 51 3 66 50 51 |
Haldenstr. 10
88515, Langenenslingen
(+49) 07376/962269 | |
(+49) 07376/962270 |
Poststr. 20
42103, Wuppertal
+49 (0) 2 02 45 22 99 | |
+49 (0) 202448212 |
Pfaffenstieg 12
31134, Hildesheim
+49 (0) 51 21/16 77 / 0 | |
+49 (0) 51 21/16 77 / 41 |
Marktstr. 11
72160, Oberhof (Landkreis Rottweil)
(+49) 0 74511555 | |
(+49) 0 7451620952 |
Cities & surrounding
Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment branches and surrounding
- Germany
- Dosing - equipment and machines
- Eyeglass and contact lenses and accessories
- Eyeglasses - frames and accessories
- Hearing aids
- Import-export - precision instruments
- Laser apparatus and instruments
- Measurement and regulation equipment and instruments - electricity and other energy
- Measurement and regulation equipment and instruments - output and flow
- Measurement and regulation equipment and instruments - pressure
- Measurement and regulation equipment and instruments - speed
- Measurement and regulation equipment and instruments - temperature
- Measurement equipment and instruments - position and distance
- Medical and surgical instruments
- Medicine and surgery - apparatus and equipment
- Medicine and surgery - items and supplies
- Monitoring and control equipment
- Optical instruments
- Photographic and cinematographic laboratories - equipment
- Photography and cinema - photographic and projection equipment
- Scientific equipment and instruments
- Veterinary equipment and instruments
- Weighing and dosing equipment
- Alarms and surveillance - systems and equipment
- Beauty care - equipment
- Beauty care - instruments
- Clock and watch supplies
- Clock- and watchmaking
- Clocks and time control, industrial
- Dentistry - accessories and supplies
- Dentistry - equipment and instruments
- Clock and Watchmaking
- Measurement - Equipment and Instruments
- Optical equipment and instruments
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Economic activity March 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Orthopaedics and physiotherapy - apparatus, instruments and equipment with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.