Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous Business Directory Page 3

Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous Business directory Page 3

> Business Directory > Energy and Raw Materials > Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous

Business entries of Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous are listed here containing contact-data, operation hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own company entry or association on this page.

Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous entries

There were 715 entries found


Lِhdorfer Str. 30 -36
42699, Solingen

Paplitzer Chaussee 1
14793, Ziesar

Am Lettenbuck 3
79415, Bad Bellingen

Scheunenstr. 38
39240, Calbe


Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 15
31228, Peine

Berlichingenstr. 9
91126, Schwabach

Blumenhaller Weg 86
49078, Osnabrück

Große Marktstr. 18
63065, Offenbach

Industriestr. 23a
91207, Lauf

57632, Peterslahr

Kalker Hauptstr. 166
51103, Kِln

Gewerbestr. 5
39167, Irxleben

Oldendorfer Str. 93
49324, Melle

Aegidienstr. 8
37520, Osterode

Steeler Str. 196
45138, Essen

Neue Triftstr. 15
14715, Mِgelin

Industriestr. 9
21640, Horneburg

Kamenzer Damm 39
12249, Berlin

Hauptstr. 47
89343, Jettingen-Scheppach

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Cities & surrounding

Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous in this month. This month 7 companies were registered, 42 were updated and 43 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous December 2024Diagram Ores, ferrous and non-ferrousDiagram Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous 2024Statistics Ores, ferrous and non-ferrousStatistics Ores, ferrous and non-ferrous 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics