Neustadt an der Orla Business Directory Page 5

Neustadt an der Orla Business directory Page 5

> Germany > Thuringia > Saale-Orla-Kreis > Neustadt an der Orla

Business entries of Neustadt an der Orla are gathered here containing informations of contact-address, opening hours and experience reports. You can add your own business entry or association here.

Neustadt an der Orla entries

There were 376 entries found


Schleizer Str. 56
07806, Neustadt

Goethestr. 16
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 +49 (0)36481 649821

Kirchplatz 7
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

Arnshaugker Str. 14
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 +49 (0) 36481 - 23435
 +49 (0) 36481 - 61110


Südstr. 12
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 +49 (0) 36481 51615
 +49 (0) 36481 51623

Dorfplatz 11
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

Ernst - Thälmann - Str. 24
07806, Neustadt

Auf dem Dohlenberg 3
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 (036481) 22150
 (036481) 56270

Goethestr. 21
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 (036481) 22304
 (036481) 56044

Karl - Liebknecht - Str. 2
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 (036481) 248 6
 (036481) 248 80

Triptiser Str. 14
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 (0364) 81840090

Ernst - Thälmann - Str. 73
07806, Neustadt an der Orla


Dimitroffstr. 14
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 (+49) 036481-61230
 (+49) 036481-61229

Strößwitz 16
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 (+49) 036481 - 28234
 (+49) 036481 - 56366

Nordstr. 67
07806, Neustadt

 +49 (0)36481 22761

Pößnecker Str. 24
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 (+49) 0 36481 - 22525
 (+49) 0 36481 - 60703

Gerichtsgasse 12
07806, Neustadt

Zum Mühlenberg 6
07806, Neustadt

 036481 58919

Rodaer Str. 46
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

Im Dorf 9
07806, Neustadt an der Orla

 +49 (0) 36481 22363
 +49 (0) 36481/22363

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Cities & surrounding

Neustadt an der Orla branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Neustadt an der Orla in this month. This month 20 companies were registered, 25 were updated and 57 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Neustadt an der Orla December 2024Diagram Neustadt an der OrlaDiagram Neustadt an der Orla December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Neustadt an der Orla with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Neustadt an der Orla 2024Statistics Neustadt an der OrlaStatistics Neustadt an der Orla 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Neustadt an der Orla