Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) Business Directory Page 6

Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) Business directory Page 6

> Germany > Lower Saxony > Landkreis Heidekreis > Munster

Business entries of Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) are gathered here containing informations of contact-data, operation hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own company entry or association here.

Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) entries

There were 858 entries found


Emminger Weg 37
29633, Munster

 +49 (0)51925017
 +49 (0)51925019

Söhlstr. 17
29633, Munster

 (+49) 05192886648

Söhlstrasse 24
29633, Munster

 +49 (0)5192 - 2330

Kohlenbissener Grund 9
29633, Munster



Soltauer Str. 1
29633, Munster

 (05192) 88466

Lneburger Str. 2
29633, Munster

 (+49) 0 51922002
 (+49) 0 519210886

Ernst-Pernoll-Str. 1
29633, Munster

 +49 (0)51924455

Von-Der-Meden-Weg 1
29633, Munster

 (+49) 051923806

Studtmannshof 2
29633, Munster

 +49 (0)519288018

Zum Schtzenwald 23
29633, Munster

 (+49) 0 51927036
 (+49) 0 5192888078

Dethlingen 14
29633, Munster

 (+49) 0 51922282
 (+49) 0 519210979

Kreutzen 20
29633, Munster

 (05055) 8336
 (05055) 8958

Wilhelm - Bockelmann - Str. 52
29633, Munster

 (05192) 88443

Am Holze 28
29633, Munster

 (05192) 5050
 (051 92) 45 50

Clausewitzallee 36
29633, Munster

 05192 4102

Birkenweg 14
29633, Munster


Klappgarten 31
29633, Munster

 05192 / 1380

Wilhelm-Bockelmann-Str. 18
29633, Munster

 (+49) 0519210369

Forellenweg 4
29633, Munster

 +49 (0)5192986858
 +49 (0)5192986844

Wilhelm - Bockelmann - Str. 16
29633, Munster

 (+49) 0 5121 / 9276770
 (+49) 0 5121 / 92797966

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Cities & surrounding

Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) in this month. This month 26 companies were registered, 37 were updated and 29 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) March 2025Diagram Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis)Diagram Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) 2025Statistics Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis)Statistics Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis) 202501428425670February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Munster (Landkreis Heidekreis)