Masonry and bricklaying - works Business Directory Page 29

Masonry and bricklaying - works Business directory Page 29

> Business Directory > Construction and Public Works > Construction - Structural Work > Masonry and bricklaying - works

Business entries of Masonry and bricklaying - works are listed here containing informations of contact, hours and reviews of users. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Masonry and bricklaying - works entries

There were 1523 entries found


Sanner Dorfstraße 44
39619, Arendsee

 +49 (0)39034 / 941891
 +49 (0)39034 / 941892

Triftweg 29
21481, Lauenburg


Wittorfer Str. 97
27374, Visselhövede

 (+49) 04260 272
 (+49) 04260 554

Neue Str. 22
46519, Alpen

 (02802) 1087
 (02802) 7443


Wettegasse 4/5
73441, Hohenlohe

 +49 (0)7362 3456

Brgermeister-Krger-Str. 25
21244, Buchholz in der Nordheide

 (+49) 04186 8333
 (+49) 04186895359

Hasenredder 8
23689, Hobbersdorf

 +49 (0)4504 3788
 +49 (0)4504 5660

Haldenweg 5
87719, Mindelheim

 (+49) 0 82611563
 (+49) 0 826121822

Lohbrgger Landstr. 47
21031, Hamburg

 +49 (0) 407399415

Hhenstr. 13
67724, Gonbach

 +49 (0)6302 983113
 +49 (0)6302 983114

Beim Goldenen Pflug 5
04600, Altenburg

 +49 (0)3447 315391
 +49 (0)3447 315391

Schorenmhlenweg 2
87477, Sulzberg

 (+49) 0 83761444
 (+49) 0 8376974585

Hufelandstr. 92
90419, Nürnberg

 +49 (0)911 3820938
 +49 (0)911 3820932

Am Mühlberg 5
86381, Krumbach

 08282 - 88800
 08282 - 888088

Kolberger Str. 36
28201, Bremen

 0421 551740

Amfortasweg 6
12167, Berlin

 +49 (0)30 7717719

Sülldorfer Weg 76
22869, Schenefeld

 +49 (0) 408302878
 +49 (0) 408302872

Petscheltweg 437
16515, Oranienburg

 (03301) 530732
 (0 33 01) 53 65 26

Heinrich - Vennekamp - Weg 13
46395, Bocholt

 (+49) 02871 342631

Hoffeldring 9
83080, Oberaudorf

 (+49) 0 80334761

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Cities & surrounding

Masonry and bricklaying - works branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Masonry and bricklaying - works in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 27 were updated and 4 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Masonry and bricklaying - works December 2024Diagram Masonry and bricklaying - worksDiagram Masonry and bricklaying - works December 2024UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Masonry and bricklaying - works with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Masonry and bricklaying - works 2024Statistics Masonry and bricklaying - worksStatistics Masonry and bricklaying - works 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics