Main-Kinzig-Kreis Business Directory Page 58

Main-Kinzig-Kreis Business directory Page 58

> Germany > Hesse > Darmstadt > Main-Kinzig-Kreis

Main-Kinzig-Kreis entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing informations of address, hours and experience reports of customers. You can enlist your own business entry or association on this page.

Main-Kinzig-Kreis entries

There were 29080 entries found


Gartenstr. 19A
63517, Rodenbach

 06184 - 54899

Büdinger Str. 27
63633, Birstein

 06054 805 0
 06054 805 10

Georg-Busch-Str. 9
63456, Hanau

 (+49) 0618165513

Alte Hauptstr. 1
63599, Biebergemünd

 06050 / 901410


Hanauer Str. 18
61130, Nidderau

 +49 (0)618728310
 +49 (0)618728307

Richard-J.-Ruff-Str. 4
63594, Hasselroth

 (+49) 0 605593110
 (+49) 0 60553274

Steinauer Str. 14
36396, Steinau an der Straße


Robert - Bosch - Str. 2 - 4
63477, Maintal

 (06181) 4235901
 (06181) 4 22 01

Alte Steinauer Str. 15
36396, Steinau an der Straße

 06667 1267

Lautenschlägerstr. 23
63450, Hanau


Hauptstr. 27
63619, Bad Orb

 (+49) 060521345

Reinhardstr. 41
63571, Gelnhausen

 (+49) 06051 9120850
 (+49) 06051 9120852

Ringstr. 28
63505, Langenselbold


Alfred-Delp-Str. 4
63486, Bruchköbel

 (+49) 0 6181577271
 (+49) 0 6181577272

Hirschstr. 7
63450, Hanau

Bruno-Dressler-Str. 9
63477, Maintal

 +49 (0)610936818
 +49 (0)610936486

Rangenbergweg 1
61137, Schöneck

 +49 (0)61875505

Langstr. 32A
63486, Bruchköbel

 +49 (0)61836096

Lohmühlenweg 3
63571, Gelnhausen

 (+49) 0 6051 16001
 (+49) 0 6051 16003

Gutenbergstr. 4
63477, Maintal


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Cities & surrounding

Main-Kinzig-Kreis branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Main-Kinzig-Kreis in this month. This month 6 companies were registered, 3 were updated and 5 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Main-Kinzig-Kreis December 2024Diagram Main-Kinzig-KreisDiagram Main-Kinzig-Kreis December 2024New registrationDeleteUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Main-Kinzig-Kreis with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Main-Kinzig-Kreis 2024Statistics Main-Kinzig-KreisStatistics Main-Kinzig-Kreis 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Main-Kinzig-Kreis