Lower Bavaria Business Directory Page 3

Lower Bavaria Business directory Page 3

> Germany > Bavaria > Lower Bavaria

Lower Bavaria entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here containing informations of address, operation hours and reviews. You can register your own company entry or organization here.

Lower Bavaria entries

There were 84033 entries found


Haardorfer Str. 32
94486, Osterhofen

 (+49) 0 99321695

Schnauer Str. 19
94424, Arnstorf

 08723 30 30
 08723 3031101

Preysingplatz 10
94447, Plattling

 (+49) 0 99318958492

Brunnerstr. 5
84056, Rottenburg an der Laaber

 +49 (0)8781 2628


Bahnhofstr. 2
93326, Abensberg


Untere Dorfstr. 3A
94533, Buchhofen

 (+49) 099381055

Dr.-Emil-Brichta-Str. 3
94036, Passau

 0851 33133
 0851 2222

Bachstr. 14
84082, Laberweinting

 (+49) 087721816

Kaltecker Str. 1
94505, Bernried

 +49 (0) 9905707276

Asamstr. 7
93352, Rohr in Niederbayern


Jahnplatz 4
94447, Plattling


Witzschdorfer Hauptstr. 7
09437, Waldkirchen

 (+49) 0 3725786118

Frauenauer Str. 5
94227, Zwiesel

 (+49) 09922503196
 (+49) 09922503197

Waldesruhweg 5
94227, Zwiesel

 +49 (0)9922 / 60673

Kreuzstr. 11
84130, Dingolfing

 06152 / 1871913

Bahnhofstr. 12
94078, Freyung

 (08551) 7433
 +49 (0)8551 7433

Obere Stadt 54
84130, Dingolfing

 (+49) 0 87314880
 (+49) 0 87315848

Landshuter Str. 62
84098, Hohenthann

 +49 (0)8781 - 712

Drosselweg 7
94148, Kirchham

 08533 1621

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Cities & surrounding

Lower Bavaria branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Lower Bavaria in this month. This month 17 companies were registered, 46 were updated and 35 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Lower Bavaria December 2024Diagram Lower BavariaDiagram Lower Bavaria December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Lower Bavaria with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Lower Bavaria 2024Statistics Lower BavariaStatistics Lower Bavaria 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Lower Bavaria