Langenfeld (Rheinland) Business Directory Page 41

Langenfeld (Rheinland) Business directory Page 41

> Germany > North Rhine-Westphalia > Düsseldorf > Kreis Mettmann > Langenfeld (Rheinland)

Langenfeld (Rheinland) entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here with informations of contact, opening hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own company entry or association here.

Langenfeld (Rheinland) entries

There were 4456 entries found


Solinger Str. 4
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 02173 106470

Raiffeisenstr. 25
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 (02173) 98860

Meisentalstr. 35
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 +49 (0) 2173 - 855924

Industriestr. 33
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)



Solinger Str. 188
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)


Auguste-Piccard-Weg 148
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 +49 (0) 217370451

Richrather Str. 28
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 (+49) 0 217391600
 (+49) 0 2173916060

Hauptstr. 75
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 (+49) 02173 12041

Friedrich-Kreusch-Weg 26
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 (02173) 270515

Louveciennesstr. 6A
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)


Oderstr. 23
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)


Solinger Str. 76
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)


Herzogstr. 8
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

Alt Wiescheid 20A
40764, Langenfeld

 +49 (0) 21262273

Siemensstr. 10
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 02173 2046766

Hauptstr. 96
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 +49 (0) 2173 76990
 +49 (0) 2173 81686

Kronprinzstr. 47
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 (+49) 0 2173 9597 0

Grenzstr. 17
40764, Langenfeld

 (+49) 02173 / 148275

Solinger Str. 153
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 (+49) 0 217322774
 (+49) 0 217325937

Ernst-Tellering-Str. 7
40764, Langenfeld (Rheinland)

 (+49) 0 217324898
 (+49) 0 2173929258

<< 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 >>


Cities & surrounding

Langenfeld (Rheinland) branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Langenfeld (Rheinland) in this month. This month 27 companies were registered, 86 were updated and 79 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Langenfeld (Rheinland) December 2024Diagram Langenfeld (Rheinland)Diagram Langenfeld (Rheinland) December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Langenfeld (Rheinland) with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Langenfeld (Rheinland) 2024Statistics Langenfeld (Rheinland)Statistics Langenfeld (Rheinland) 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Langenfeld (Rheinland)