Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße Business Directory Page 59

Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße Business directory Page 59

> Germany > Rheinland-Pfalz > Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße

Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße entries of companies, authorities and associations are gathered here with informations of contact-address, hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own company entry or organization on this page.

Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße entries

There were 12443 entries found


Fröhlichstr. 5
76835, Gleisweiler

 +49 (0) 63234467
 +49 (0) 63236098

Woodbachweg 15
76887, Böllenborn

 +49 (0)6343 938360
 +49 (0)6343 938361

Hauptstr. 110
67489, Kirrweiler (Pfalz)

 +49 (0)6321575182

Hauptstr. 19
76855, Annweiler am Trifels

 (+49) 06346929976


Schlobergstr. 3
76857, Silz

 06345 949490
 06345 9494999

Schlostr. 41
67482, Freimersheim (Pfalz)

 (+49) 0 63275053
 (+49) 0 63275053

Turnerweg 60
76855, Annweiler

Unterdorfstr. 38
76889, Schweighofen

 +49 (0)6342531

August-Croissant-Str. 7
67480, Edenkoben

 +49 (0)6323 81976

Lazarettgarten 31
76829, Leinsweiler

 (+49) 063419440
 (+49) 06341944760

Schulstr. 2
76857, Silz

 +49 (0) 6345 14 32

Mühlstr. 4
76879, Essingen

 (06347) 7333
 (06347) 7340

Hauptstr. 26
76831, Billigheim-Ingenheim


Hindenburgstr. 3A
76829, Leinsweiler

 (+49) 0 634120948

Speyerbachstr. 14
76829, Leinsweiler

 (+49) 0634154232

Königstrasse 73
76829, Leinsweiler

 +49 (0)6341 - 20130

Steinfelder Str. 44-46
76887, Böllenborn

 +49 (0)6343 700 9 0
 +49 (0)6343 700 9 39

Ostbahnstr. 8
76829, Leinsweiler

 +49 (0) 634186978
 +49 (0) 634180726

Theaterstr. 17
76829, Leinsweiler

 (+49) 0 634189114
 (+49) 0 634189308

Wiesenstr. 13
76835, Gleisweiler

 +49 (0)63452691

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Cities & surrounding

Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 5 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße March 2025Diagram Landkreis Südliche WeinstraßeDiagram Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße 2025Statistics Landkreis Südliche WeinstraßeStatistics Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße 20250153045607590February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Landkreis Südliche Weinstraße