Landkreis Heidenheim Business Directory Page 3

Landkreis Heidenheim Business directory Page 3

> Germany > Baden-Württemberg Region > Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart > Landkreis Heidenheim

Business entries of Landkreis Heidenheim are gathered here with informations of contact-address, opening hours and experience reports of customers. You can register your own company entry or organization on this page.

Landkreis Heidenheim entries

There were 7510 entries found


Neudorfer Str. 15
89555, Steinheim am Albuch

 +49 (0)7329213

Siemensstr. 9
89537, Giengen

 (+49) 0 7322 - 932887
 (+49) 0 7322 - 933012

Theodor-Heuss-Str. 18
89547, Gerstetten

 (+49) 073237676
 (+49) 07321 315771

Molkereistr. 11
89547, Gerstetten

 (07323) 6873


Merianstr. 6
89537, Giengen

 (07322) 3181

Wilhelmstr. 118
89518, Heidenheim

Kirchstr. 15
89168, Niederstotzingen

 +49 (0)7325 919090
 +49 (0)7325 919092

Bahnhofstr. 4
89547, Gerstetten

 +49 (0) 732396260
 +49 (0) 7323962626

Schickhardtstr. 7
89551, Königsbronn

 (+49) 0 73286588
 (+49) 0 73286528

Wiesenweg 7
89547, Gerstetten

 (+49) 0 73239614 0
 (+49) 0 7323919188

Pommernweg 6
89547, Gerstetten

 (+49) 07323820
 (+49) 073238230

Oggenhauser Hauptstr. 73
89522, Heidenheim an der Brenz

 07321 - 71987
 07321 - 73157

Schnaitheimer Weg 14
89555, Steinheim am Albuch

 +49 (0)73296220

Beethovenstr. 28
89547, Gerstetten

Köflacher Str. 41
89537, Giengen an der Brenz

 +49 (0)7322 96140
 +49 (0)7322 4949

Eulenstr. 5
89520, Heidenheim an der Brenz

 (+49) 0 732164240

Gartenstr. 21
89568, Hermaringen

 +49 (0)7322 / 22914

Scheidemannstr. 26
89518, Heidenheim an der Brenz

 (+49) 07321 44703

Am Weichselberg 9
89567, Sontheim an der Brenz

 (+49) 07325 - 951977

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Cities & surrounding

Landkreis Heidenheim branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Landkreis Heidenheim in this month. This month 28 companies were registered, 26 were updated and 20 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Landkreis Heidenheim December 2024Diagram Landkreis HeidenheimDiagram Landkreis Heidenheim December 2024New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Landkreis Heidenheim with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Landkreis Heidenheim 2024Statistics Landkreis HeidenheimStatistics Landkreis Heidenheim 202401632486480November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Landkreis Heidenheim