Landkreis Calw Business Directory Page 53

Landkreis Calw Business directory Page 53

> Germany > Baden-Württemberg Region > Karlsruhe Region > Landkreis Calw

Business entries of Landkreis Calw are gathered here containing informations of address, hours and experience reports of customers. You can register your own business entry or association on this page.

Landkreis Calw entries

There were 11136 entries found


Im Weidenfeld 8
75378, Bad

 07052 / 2954

Herrenwald 19
72202, Nagold

 +49 (0)7459931150
 +49 (0)7459931152

Weg zum Rotenbächle 32 - 2
76332, Bad Herrenalb

 07083 920 333
 07083 500 161

Lörchergäßle 8
75365, Calw

 +49 (0)7051 59019
 +49 (0)7051 59119


Neuenbürger Str. 2
75335, Dobel

 (07083) 922083
 (07083) 922085

Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 30
75378, Bad Liebenzell

 (+49) 07052 / 5250

Höhenstr. 45
75335, Dobel

 +49 (0)7083/8557
 +49 (0)7083/4204

Schönblickweg 18
75339, Höfen an der Enz

 07081 952657

Marktstr. 61
72202, Nagold


Birkenweg 56
72202, Nagold

 (07452) 69881
 (07452) 67038

Am Eiberg 11
75339, Höfen an der Enz

 +49 (0)7081953017
 +49 (0)7081953018

Kirchstr. 7
72213, Altensteig

 +49 (0) 7453-1551

Linckeweg 48
72202, Nagold


Haiterbacher Str. 10
72202, Nagold

 (+49) 07452 - 69445

Lise-Meitner-Str. 11
72202, Nagold

 +49 (0) 7452680980
 +49 (0) 74526809898

Mittlerer Hubweg 4
72227, Egenhausen

 07453 1801
 07453 930736

Schloßstr. 53
72202, Nagold

 (07459) 8546

Dompfaffweg 1
75395, Ostelsheim


Parkstr. 1
75389, Neuweiler

 (+49) 0 70557342

Meisenstr. 10
75328, Schömberg

 +49 (0)7235980158
 +49 (0)7235980159

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Cities & surrounding

Landkreis Calw branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Landkreis Calw in this month. This month 7 companies were registered, 9 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Landkreis Calw March 2025Diagram Landkreis CalwDiagram Landkreis Calw March 2025UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Landkreis Calw with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Landkreis Calw 2025Statistics Landkreis CalwStatistics Landkreis Calw 20250153045607590February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Landkreis Calw