Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) Business Directory Page 8

Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) Business directory Page 8

> Germany > Lower Saxony > Landkreis Peine > Lahstedt

Business entries of Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) are gathered here containing contact-data, hours and experience reports of customers. You can enlist your own business entry or association on this page.

Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) entries

There were 540 entries found


Im Wiesenfeld 2
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 0 51728866

Auf Der Trift 10
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 0 51723501

Ostertorstr. 9
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 051728956

Weststr. 28
31246, Lahstedt


Landwehr 37
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 05172 2147

Schäferstr. 5
Groß Lafferde
31246, Lahstedt

 (05174) 8575
 (05174) 920811

Schaeferstr 15
Groß Lafferde
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 0 5174303

Maschstr. 10
31246, Lahstedt

Bültener Str. 5
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 0 517213478
 (+49) 0 51725022

In Der Gummelstätte 7
31246, Lahstedt

 +49 (0)5172 / 94110

Hauptstr. 29
31246, Lahstedt


Bierstr. 61
Gro Lafferde
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 0 5174 312
 (+49) 0 5174 8524

Gräwigweg 8
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 05172 - 4994

Dr.-August-Mller-Str. 3
Gro Lafferde
31246, Lahstedt


Meeschestr. 6A
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 05172 / 945082

Ludwig-Jahn-Str. 1
Gro Lafferde
31246, Lahstedt


Im Schwarzen Kamp 47
31246, Lahstedt

 05172 - 944301

Sdring 3
31246, Lahstedt

 (+49) 0 5172 944448
 (+49) 0 5172 944450

Am Geierberg 12
31246, Lahstedt


Peiner Weg 10
31246, Lahstedt

 (05172) 3488
 (05172) 410637

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Cities & surrounding

Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 14 were updated and 44 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) March 2025Diagram Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine)Diagram Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) March 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) 2025Statistics Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine)Statistics Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine) 2025020406080100February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Lahstedt (Landkreis Peine)