Laatzen Business Directory Page 21

Laatzen Business directory Page 21

> Germany > Lower Saxony > Region Hannover > Laatzen

Laatzen entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here containing address, hours and experience reports. You can enlist your own company entry or association on this page.

Laatzen entries

There were 2340 entries found


Ilseder Ring 37
30880, Laatzen


Hildesheimer Str. 415A
30880, Laatzen

 (+49) 05102 4086

Sudewiesenstr. 93
30880, Laatzen

 (0511) 98393 / 0

Fichtenweg 2
30880, Laatzen

 (+49) 05102 6884


Ahornstr. 3
30880, Laatzen

 (+49) 0511828202

Am Leinkamp 37
30880, Laatzen


Hildesheimer Str. 245
30880, Laatzen

 0511 822234

Greifswalder Str. 2
30880, Laatzen

 (+49) 05102 / 70910
 (+49) 05102 / 709129

Karlsruher Str. 8
30880, Laatzen

 (+49) 0 511 848 54 50

Ulmer Str. 2
30880, Laatzen

 +49 (0)511 8756400

Hermann-Löns-Str. 8
30880, Laatzen

 +49 (0) 5102 914842

Hauptstr. 28
30880, Laatzen

 (+49) 0 5102 - 2059
 (+49) 0 5102 - 2049

Stettiner Str. 123
30880, Laatzen

 05102 933737
 05102 933738

Osterbrink 10B
30880, Laatzen

Hildesheimer Straße 356
30880, Laatzen

 0 51 02/91 64 80
 0 51 02/91 64 81

Jenny - Meyer - Str. 15
30880, Laatzen

 +49 (0)511 54281790
 +49 (0)511 868503

30880, Laatzen

 (+49) 0511 / 824081

Friedrich - Ebert - Str. 34
30880, Laatzen

 +49 (0) 511 221050
 +49 (0) 511 221024

Würzburger Str. 15
30880, Laatzen

 (+49) 0 5118999690

Oesselser Str. 13
30880, Laatzen

 (05102) 6488

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Cities & surrounding

Laatzen branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Laatzen in this month. This month 27 companies were registered, 33 were updated and 21 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Laatzen December 2024Diagram LaatzenDiagram Laatzen December 2024UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Laatzen with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Laatzen 2024Statistics LaatzenStatistics Laatzen 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Laatzen