Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) Business Directory Page 7

Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) Business directory Page 7

> Germany > Brandenburg > Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz > Kroppen

Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing contact, opening hours and reviews. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) entries

There were 337 entries found


Guteborner Str. 29
01945, Kroppen

 035752 30909

Ortrander Str. 13B
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 03574466430
 (+49) 03574466447

Ortrander Str. 19
01945, Kroppen


Arnsdorfer Str. 6
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 035752 16619


Dresdener Str. 27A
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 0 3575250081
 (+49) 0 3575250082

Ortrander Str. 12
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 035752360

Berliner Str. 2
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 035752-2630

Theodor-Schmidt-Str. 5
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 0357523470

Grenzstr. 13
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 0 1743143032
 (+49) 0 201986

Bahnhofstraße 11
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 0 35756 - 13505
 (+49) 0 35756 - 71952

Lindenauer Str. 18
01945, Kroppen

 +49 (0) 3574 7250
 +49 (0) 3574 7281

Wesenweg 6
01945, Kroppen


Hauptstr. 30
01945, Kroppen

 +49 (0) 35752 5263

Heinersdorfer Str. 13A
01945, Kroppen

 +49 (0) 35755 - 51252

Berliner Str. 26
01945, Kroppen

 +49 (0)357522286

Bahnhofstr. 14
01945, Kroppen


Bahnhofstr. 13
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 0 3575250806

Lindenstr. 1
01945, Kroppen

 (+49) 0 35752 5290

Am Sportplatz 1
01945, Kroppen


Wesenweg 4
01945, Kroppen

 +49 (0)3575663720
 +49 (0)3575663721

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Cities & surrounding

Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) in this month. This month 16 companies were registered, 48 were updated and 45 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) December 2024Diagram Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz)Diagram Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) 2024Statistics Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz)Statistics Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz) 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Kroppen (Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz)