Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt Business Directory Page 26

Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt Business directory Page 26

> Germany > Bavaria > Lower Franconia > Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt

Business entries of Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt are listed here containing contact-address, operation hours and ratings of customers. You can add your own business entry or association on this page.

Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt entries

There were 4269 entries found


Alois - Türk - Str. 32
Nordwestlicher Stadtteil
97424, Schweinfurt

 (09721) 806164

Bauerngasse 26
97421, Schweinfurt

 +49 (0)9721 185412
 +49 (0)9721 24575

Friedrich-Rätzer-Str. 3
97424, Schweinfurt

 (+49) 09721/6500/0
 (+49) 09721/6500/129

Manggasse 18A
97421, Schweinfurt

 +49 (0)9721730760


Hennebergstr. 14
97422, Schweinfurt

 (09721) 304474

Rückertstr. 30
97421, Schweinfurt

 +49 (0)9721-730780
 +49 (0)9721-7307820

Siebenbrückleinsgasse 8
97421, Schweinfurt

 +49 (0)972121173

Luitpoldstr. 10
97421, Schweinfurt


Friedhofstr. 13
Nrdlicher Stadtteil
97421, Schweinfurt


Theresienstr. 2
97421, Schweinfurt

 (+49) 0 972121151
 (+49) 0 9721189104

Bahnhofsplatz 9
97424, Schweinfurt

 (+49) 0 972182047
 (09721) 803904

Heisenbergstr. 18
97424, Schweinfurt

 +49 (0)972183650

Luitpoldstr. 10
97421, Schweinfurt


Friedrich - Ebert - Str. 21
97421, Schweinfurt

Karl-Götz-Str. 9
97424, Schweinfurt

 (+49) 0 972187153
 (+49) 0 972187361

Wilhelmstr. 17
97421, Schweinfurt


Schultesstraße 19A
97421, Schweinfurt

 (+49) 0 9721 9449 0
 (+49) 0 9721 9449 333

Obere Str. 11
97421, Schweinfurt

 +49 (0)9721188017
 +49 (0)972151648

Am Oberen Wall 51
97421, Schweinfurt

Am Oberen Marienbach 1
97421, Schweinfurt

 (+49) 0972127074

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Cities & surrounding

Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 24 were updated and 42 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt December 2024Diagram Kreisfreie Stadt SchweinfurtDiagram Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt 2024Statistics Kreisfreie Stadt SchweinfurtStatistics Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt