Kelkheim (Taunus) Business Directory Page 57

Kelkheim (Taunus) Business directory Page 57

> Germany > Hesse > Darmstadt > Main-Taunus-Kreis > Kelkheim (Taunus)

Business entries of Kelkheim (Taunus) are gathered here containing informations of address, hours and ratings. You can enlist your own business entry or organization on this page.

Kelkheim (Taunus) entries

There were 2209 entries found


In Den Bleichwiesen 12
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)


Am Kirchplatz 11
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 +49 (0) 61952352
 +49 (0) 61957257860

Industriestr. 2
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 (06195) 973 / 0

Altknigstr. 30
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 +49 (0) 70058700000
 +49 (0) 700587000002


Hornauer Str. 72A
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)


Robert-Koch-Str. 4B
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 (+49) 061742597870
 (+49) 0617425978772

Unter Den Nußbäumen 17
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)


Wilhelmstr. 3
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 (+49) 0 619567350
 (+49) 0 6195673522

Brunhildenweg 26
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 (+49) 0619561397
 (+49) 0619566417

Frankfurter Str. 126
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 +49 (0)6195900085

Im Schulzehnten 25
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)


Am Kirchplatz 41
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 06195 901787

Frankfurter Str. 174
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 +49 (0) 6195 902708
 (06195) 902708

Breslauer Str. 63
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 +49 (0) 6195 3066
 +49 (0) 6195 8818

Frankenallee 1
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 (+49) 06195 6773250
 (+49) 06195 6773251

Frankenallee 1
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 +49 (0) 61956773280

Knigsberger Str. 8
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 (06195) 9974 0
 (06195) 997411

Altkönigstr. 30
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 +49 (0)6195 2450
 +49 (0)6195 73993

Johann - Strauß - Str. 35
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 (+49) 0 6195 / 3709

Paradiesweg 9C
65779, Kelkheim (Taunus)

 +49 (0)6195910186
 +49 (0)6195910187

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Cities & surrounding

Kelkheim (Taunus) branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Kelkheim (Taunus) in this month. This month 21 companies were registered, 12 were updated and 66 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Kelkheim (Taunus) March 2025Diagram Kelkheim (Taunus)Diagram Kelkheim (Taunus) March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Kelkheim (Taunus) with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Kelkheim (Taunus) 2025Statistics Kelkheim (Taunus)Statistics Kelkheim (Taunus) 20250153045607590February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Kelkheim (Taunus)