Kamp-Lintfort Business Directory Page 2

Kamp-Lintfort Business directory Page 2

> Germany > North Rhine-Westphalia > Düsseldorf > Wesel > Kamp-Lintfort

Business entries of Kamp-Lintfort are gathered here containing informations of contact-data, operation hours and ratings of customers. You can register your own company entry or association on this page.

Kamp-Lintfort entries

There were 2006 entries found


Moerser Str. 260A
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 +49 (0)284230417

Molkereistr. 22
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 +49 (0)2842986297

Moerser Str. 244
47475, Kamp-Lintfort


Freiherr-Vom-Stein-Str. 30
47475, Kamp-Lintfort



Dorfstr. 5
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 (+49) 02842 / 41005

Dachsberger Weg 55
47475, Kamp-Lintfort


Moerser Str. 293
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

Moerser Str. 72
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 (+49) 0 2842 2156

Franzstr. 60
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

Prinzenstr. 63
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 (+49) 028422464

Schulstr. 152
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 02842 81350

Nordstr. 20
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 02842 909837

Saalhoffer Str. 431
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 02842 / 94767
 02842 / 947679

Altfelder Str. 305
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

Kamperdickstr. 7
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 (+49) 0284213063
 (02842) 13064

Moerser Str. 227
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

Prinzenstr. 60
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 02842 3768

Nelkenweg 3
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

 (+49) 0 284280000

Adlerweg 13
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

Rayer Str. 68
47475, Kamp-Lintfort

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Cities & surrounding

Kamp-Lintfort branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Kamp-Lintfort in this month. This month 13 companies were registered, 28 were updated and 71 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Kamp-Lintfort December 2024Diagram Kamp-LintfortDiagram Kamp-Lintfort December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Kamp-Lintfort with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Kamp-Lintfort 2024Statistics Kamp-LintfortStatistics Kamp-Lintfort 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Kamp-Lintfort