Ihlow Business Directory Page 14

Ihlow Business directory Page 14

> Germany > Lower Saxony > Landkreis Aurich > Ihlow

Ihlow entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here with contact-data, opening hours and experience reports of customers. You can add your own company entry or association on this page.

Ihlow entries

There were 624 entries found


Schmiedestr. 16
26632, Ihlow

 +49 (0) 492891960
 +49 (0) 4928919699

Loogstr. 39
26632, Ihlow

 (04941) 969812
 (04941) 66809

Loogstr. 31
26632, Ihlow

 +49 (0) 4941 - 67225

Auricher Str. 1 - 3
26632, Ihlow

 (04941) 9586 0
 (04941) 958629


Hllenerfehner Str. 2
26632, Ihlow

 (+49) 04929917660
 (+49) 049299176629

Ihlower Str. 37A
26632, Ihlow

 (+49) 0 4929 1228

Zweiter Kompanieweg 5
26632, Ihlow

 04929 588
 04929 623

Fennenstr. 75
26632, Ihlow

 +49 (0) 49281677

Am Alten Handelsplatz 6
26632, Ihlow

 (04928) 1636
 (04928) 1749

Von-Senden-Str. 8
26632, Ihlow

 +49 (0) 4929909187

Inselring 7
26632, Ihlow

 (+49) 04929990222
 (+49) 04929 990224

Dobbenweg 2
26632, Ihlow

 +49 (0)4928 - 251

Tjüchweg 6
26632, Ihlow

 + 49 (0)4943 990110
 + 49 (0)4943 990120

Friesenstr. 229
26632, Ihlow

 (04928) 849648

Plaggefelder Str. 31
26632, Ihlow

 04941 65222
 04941 4225

Friesenstr. 234
26632, Ihlow

 (04928) 321
 (04928) 420

Holtroper Str. 13B
26632, Ihlow

 04943 - 201980

Bangsteder Weg 10
26632, Ihlow

 (+49) 0 49291316

Röthelmoorweg 6
26632, Ihlow

Friesenstr. 85
26632, Ihlow

 (+49) 0 4928 / 91950
 (+49) 0 4928 / 919540

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Cities & surrounding

Ihlow branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Ihlow in this month. This month 27 companies were registered, 75 were updated and 79 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Ihlow December 2024Diagram IhlowDiagram Ihlow December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Ihlow with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Ihlow 2024Statistics IhlowStatistics Ihlow 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Ihlow