Hospitals and clinics Business directory Page 13
> Business Directory > Health > Health Centres > Hospitals and clinics
Business entries of Hospitals and clinics are gathered here with informations of address, hours and reviews of users. You can enlist your own business entry or association here.
Hospitals and clinics entries
There were 1776 entries found
Strobelallee 58
44139, Dortmund
02319123300 | |
023191233099 |
Am Forsthof 3
18246, Friedrichshof
(038461) 45 0 | |
+49 (0) 38461/45/114 |
Rauchstr. 2
34454, Bad
(+49) 0 569189440 | |
(+49) 0 5691/5121 |
Alte Prettiner Str.
04916, Herzberg
(0 35 35) 49 12 02 | |
(03535) 491355 |
Gautinger Str. 22
82152, Krailling
(+49) 0 898572888 | |
(+49) 0 898561841 |
August-Borsig-Ring 37
15566, Schöneiche bei Berlin
0306430530 | |
03064305329 |
Putbuser Str. 11
18574, Zudar
(+49) 0 38304 841 / 0 | |
(+49) 0 38304 841 / 333 |
Südring 8
56428, Dernbach (Westerwald)
(+49) 0 2602684 0 | |
(+49) 0 2602 684213 |
Karl-Krische-Str. 4-11
71522, Backnang
(+49) 0 7191 33 0 | |
(+49) 0 7191 332007 |
Viehofer Str. 68
45127, Essen
(0176) 60819679 |
Cities & surrounding
Hospitals and clinics branches and surrounding
- Berlin
- Hamburg
- Munich
- Cologne
- Frankfurt (Hesse)
- Stuttgart
- Düsseldorf
- Dortmund
- Essen
- Bremen (Stadtgemeinde Bremen)
- Dresden
- Leipzig
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Economic activity March 2025
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Hospitals and clinics in this month. This month 11 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 40 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2025
The statistics show the economic development of Hospitals and clinics with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.