Heidenau Business Directory Page 8

Heidenau Business directory Page 8

> Germany > Saxony > Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz > Heidenau

Business entries of Heidenau are gathered here containing contact-data, hours and reviews of customers. You can add your own company entry or association on this page.

Heidenau entries

There were 780 entries found


Von - Stephan - Str. 4
01809, Heidenau

 (03529) 518663

Schillerstr. 23
01809, Heidenau

 03529 - 512312
 03529 - 520196

Hermann - Löns - Str. 1
01809, Heidenau

 (03529) 512334

Mühlenstr. 31
01809, Heidenau

 +49 (0) 3529 511505


Rudolf - Breitscheid - Str. 29
01809, Heidenau

Pirnaer Str. 36
01809, Heidenau

 +49 (0)3529-56640
 +49 (0)3529-566417

Friedrich - Engels - Str. 18
01809, Heidenau

 +49 (0)3529 515891

Gabelsbergerstr. 6
01809, Heidenau

 (+49) 03529535058

Hauptstr. 3
01809, Heidenau

 03529 527186

Gabelsbergerstr. 4
01809, Heidenau

 (03529) 529811

Rudolf - Breitscheid - Str. 36
01809, Heidenau

Fritz - Weber - Str. 4
01809, Heidenau

 03529 517871

Bahnhofstr. 1
01809, Heidenau

 (03529) 513859

Friedrich - Engels - Str. 22
01809, Heidenau

Ringstr. 14
01809, Heidenau

Birkenbüschen 3A
21258, Heidenau

 (+49) 04181 - 7929
 (+49) 04181 - 212933

Siegfried - Rädel - Str. 13
01809, Heidenau

 03529 569130
 03529 569139

Ernst - Thälmann - Str.
01809, Heidenau

Bahnhofstr. 3
21258, Heidenau


Rudolf - Breitscheid - Str. 26
01809, Heidenau

 (+49) 03529535353
 (03529) 529901

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Cities & surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Heidenau in this month. This month 16 companies were registered, 32 were updated and 70 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Heidenau December 2024Diagram HeidenauDiagram Heidenau December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Heidenau with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Heidenau 2024Statistics HeidenauStatistics Heidenau 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Heidenau