Grafschaft Business Directory Page 4

Grafschaft Business directory Page 4

> Germany > Rheinland-Pfalz > Landkreis Ahrweiler > Grafschaft

Business entries of Grafschaft are listed here containing informations of contact-data, operation hours and experience reports of users. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Grafschaft entries

There were 625 entries found


Brenner Str. 12
53501, Grafschaft


Rheinbacher Str. 111
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0)2641 25104
 +49 (0)2641 79256

Max-Planck-Str. 18
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0)2225888660
 +49 (0)22258886622

Wernher - von - Braun - Str. 15
53501, Grafschaft

 (0228) 626287
 (0228) 6204824


Platzstr. 9
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0)2641 27336
 +49 (0)2641 208920

Auf Der Miel 2
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0) 2641 6858

August - Dörner - Ring 32
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0) 2641-900745
 +49 (0) 2641-900747

Bonner Str. 91A
53501, Grafschaft

 (+49) 02225 17771
 (+49) 02225703040

Erlenhof 10
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0) 222514512

Römerstr. 27
53501, Grafschaft


Bonner Str. 50
53501, Grafschaft


Max - Planck - Str. 12
53501, Grafschaft

Max - Planck - Str. 12
53501, Grafschaft

Robert-Koch-Str. 11
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0) 2225888700
 +49 (0) 2225888710

Holunderweg 11
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0)2641 6602

Etzelstr. 2
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0)22256931

Vettelhovener Str. 96
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0)2641 / 5704
 +49 (0)2641 / 36702

Meckenheimer Str. 2
53501, Grafschaft

 +49 (0)2223-900852

Bonner Str. 58
53501, Grafschaft


Albert - Einstein - Str. 11
53501, Grafschaft

 (+49) 0 2225/91540

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Cities & surrounding

Grafschaft branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Grafschaft in this month. This month 26 companies were registered, 47 were updated and 65 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Grafschaft December 2024Diagram GrafschaftDiagram Grafschaft December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Grafschaft with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Grafschaft 2024Statistics GrafschaftStatistics Grafschaft 202401632486480November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Grafschaft