Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) Business Directory Page 4

Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) Business directory Page 4

> Germany > Bavaria > Upper Palatinate > Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach > Ensdorf

Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) entries of companies, administrations and associations are listed here with informations of address, operation hours and ratings. You can enlist your own business entry or organization here.

Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) entries

There were 129 entries found


Hofstetten 9
92266, Ensdorf

 +49 (0)9624/2197

92266, Ensdorf

 (+49) 0 9624/931509

Hauptstr. 40
92266, Ensdorf

 (+49) 09624-91107
 (+49) 09624-489248

Hauptstr. 35
92266, Ensdorf

 (09624) 9212 0
 (09624) 91246


Ortsstr. 2
92266, Ensdorf

Espanstr. 7
92266, Ensdorf


Hauptstr. 5
92266, Ensdorf

 (+49) 0962492220
 (+49) 096242523

Ortsstr. 4
92266, Ensdorf


Zur Schule 2
92266, Ensdorf

 (+49) 09624 - 891
 (+49) 09624 - 3184

Hauptstr. 19
92266, Ensdorf

 +49 (0)9624/91130
 +49 (0)9624/91151

Hauptstr. 2a
92266, Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach)

 +49 (0)962492010
 +49 (0)9624920126

Hauptstr. 6
92266, Ensdorf

 (+49) 09624931104

Hirschwald 15
92266, Ensdorf

 +49 (0)96241019

Von-Holler-Str. 20
92266, Ensdorf


Wittelsbacherstr. 18
92266, Ensdorf

 09624 1023

Stephansplatz 4
92266, Ensdorf

 (09624) 1239
 (09624) 2614

Wittelsbacher Str. 37
92266, Ensdorf


Ortsstr. 2
92266, Ensdorf


Hauptstr. 2
92266, Ensdorf

 (+49) 0 9624 / 92010
 (+49) 0 9624 / 920126

Strohbergstr. 4
92266, Ensdorf

 (+49) 0 9624 646
 (+49) 0 9624 91202

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Cities & surrounding

Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) in this month. This month 25 companies were registered, 16 were updated and 66 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) March 2025Diagram Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach)Diagram Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) 2025Statistics Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach)Statistics Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach) 20250153045607590February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Ensdorf (Landkreis Amberg-Sulzbach)