Consultants - construction and civil engineering Business Directory Page 15

Consultants - construction and civil engineering Business directory Page 15

> Business Directory > Construction and Public Works > Consultants - construction and civil engineering

Consultants - construction and civil engineering entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here containing contact, operation hours and reviews of users. You can enlist your own business entry or organization here.

Consultants - construction and civil engineering entries

There were 3602 entries found


Hainstr. 18
96047, Bamberg

Hundweilerplatz 4
88131, Lindau

 08382 5523

Schwand 91
92539, Schönsee

Landstr. 6
88339, Bad

 (+49) 07524-49130
 (+49) 07524-49130


Klner Str. 73
41363, Jüchen

 (+49) 0 216587980

Auf dem Langenfeld 34
51766, Engelskirchen

 (+49) 0 2263-901177
 (+49) 0 2263-901178

Am Lossatal 20
04808, Lossatal

 (034263) 70183
 (+49) 0 34263 70184

Julius - König - Str. 4
99085, Erfurt

 +49 (0) 361/5668292
 +49 (0) 361/5668293

Aachener Str. 4
52382, Niederzier

 (02246) 912635

Schulweg 18
57520, Langenbach bei Kirburg

Gartenstr. 13
24214, Gettorf

 (+49) 0 4346369121
 (+49) 0 4346369122

Aunkofener Siedlung 17
93326, Abensberg

 (09443) 905800
 (09443) 905801

Neustr. 21
54528, Salmtal

 (+49) 0 6578 984666
 (+49) 0 6578 989697

Reichsstr. 92A
14052, Berlin

 (+49) 030-22321391
 (+49) 030-22321392

Viatisstr. 258
90480, Nürnberg

 (+49) 0 911404538

Dunantstr. 3
85521, Riemerling

 (+49) 0 1716813706

Hauwisch 4
22339, Hamburg

 +49 (0) 405383142
 +49 (0) 405387480

Gentnerstr. 32
86161, Augsburg

 +49 (0)821/512577

Donaustr. 1
63110, Rodgau

 (+49) 0 6106 9490

Lehrter Str. 57
10557, Berlin

 (+49) 0 30 / 397821

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Cities & surrounding

Consultants - construction and civil engineering branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Consultants - construction and civil engineering in this month. This month 29 companies were registered, 68 were updated and 54 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Consultants - construction and civil engineering December 2024Diagram Consultants - construction and civil engineeringDiagram Consultants - construction and civil engineering December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Consultants - construction and civil engineering with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Consultants - construction and civil engineering 2024Statistics Consultants - construction and civil engineeringStatistics Consultants - construction and civil engineering 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics