Braunschweig Business Directory Page 13

Braunschweig Business directory Page 13

> Germany > Lower Saxony > Braunschweig

Business entries of Braunschweig are gathered here containing informations of contact, operation hours and experience reports of customers. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Braunschweig entries

There were 16400 entries found


Dieselstr. 9
38122, Braunschweig

 +49 (0)531 - 28853916

Saarbrückener Str. 77
38116, Braunschweig

 (+49) 0 531 52003
 (+49) 0 531 572004

Jenastieg 7
38124, Braunschweig

 (+49) 053187604096

Steinweg 4
38100, Braunschweig

 +49 (0)53127385100
 +49 (0)53127385199


Wodanstr. 12
38106, Braunschweig

 (+49) 0531 / 344478
 (+49) 0531 / 344480

Hannoversche Str. 9B
38116, Braunschweig

 0531 500444
 0531 55006

Leonhardstr. 29A
38102, Braunschweig


Berliner Str. 103
38104, Braunschweig

 +49 (0)531 37082 0
 +49 (0)531 3708216

Hansestr. 34
38112, Braunschweig


Neudammstr. 24
38116, Braunschweig

 +49 (0)531511026

Bohlweg 72
38100, Braunschweig

 (0531) 40621

Hansestr. 30
38112, Braunschweig

 (+49) 05312145036
 (+49) 05312145038

Theodor-Heuss-Str. 2
38122, Braunschweig

 (+49) 053188520
 (+49) 053188527500

Wendener Weg 114
38112, Braunschweig

 +49 (0)531 / 31545

Friedrich - Seele - Str. 1B
38122, Braunschweig

 +49 (0)531-80052
 +49 (0)531-85463

Wolfenbütteler Str. 38
38102, Braunschweig

 +49 (0)531/2502104

Daimlerstr. 5
38112, Braunschweig

 (0531) 23170288
 (0531) 2899070

Franz-Liszt-Str. 17
38106, Braunschweig

 +49 (0) 531342308

Timmerlahstr. 9
38120, Braunschweig

 +49 (0) 531862213

Gliesmaroder Str. 107
38106, Braunschweig

 0531 341228
 0531 336024

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Cities & surrounding

Braunschweig branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Braunschweig in this month. This month 81 companies were registered, 67 were updated and 69 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Braunschweig December 2024Diagram BraunschweigDiagram Braunschweig December 2024New registrationDeleteUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Braunschweig with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Braunschweig 2024Statistics BraunschweigStatistics Braunschweig 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Braunschweig