Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Business Directory Page 69

Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Business directory Page 69

> Germany > Saxony-Anhalt > Altmarkkreis Salzwedel

Altmarkkreis Salzwedel entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here containing contact-address, opening hours and experience reports. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Altmarkkreis Salzwedel entries

There were 4235 entries found


Seehuser Str. 30
39619, Thielbeer


Dorfstr. 48
29416, Jeggeleben


Bahnhofstr. 100A
29416, Jeggeleben

 (+49) 039009683

Im Vierland 22
38489, Beetzendorf

 (+49) 0 39000-6710


Am Markt 3
39619, Thielbeer

 +49 (0)3938497256
 +49 (0)393842318

Stendaler Chaussee 9
39638, Gardelegen

 (03907) 774050
 (03907) 774059

Friedensstr. 61
39619, Arendsee

38486, Jahrstedt

 (+49) 0 3909 42760

Lindenweg 1
29416, Jeggeleben

 039037 209

Dorfstr. 23
29416, Jeggeleben

 (+49) 0 39007714

Lindenstr. 29
38489, Nettgau

 (+49) 0 390006471

Stendaler Str. 32
39624, Kremkau

 (+49) 0 390802070

Salzwedeler Str. 12
39619, Thielbeer

 +49 (0)39384 / 2508

Kirchstr. 13A
38486, Jahrstedt

 +49 (0)3909 473864

Bahnhofstr. 77
38486, Jahrstedt

 (03909) 3157
 03909 510748

Dorfstr. 83A
29413, Seebenau

 (+49) 03901 477480

Brietzer Weg 15
29410, Salzwedel

 +49 (0)4441 8800
 +49 (0)4441 880120

Salzwedeler Str. 10
38486, Jahrstedt

 (03909) 2828

Stakenbergweg 4
39638, Gardelegen

An Der Nachtweide 5C
29416, Jeggeleben

 +49 (0)1715391613

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Cities & surrounding

Altmarkkreis Salzwedel branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Altmarkkreis Salzwedel in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 2 were updated and 3 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Altmarkkreis Salzwedel December 2024Diagram Altmarkkreis SalzwedelDiagram Altmarkkreis Salzwedel December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Altmarkkreis Salzwedel with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Altmarkkreis Salzwedel 2024Statistics Altmarkkreis SalzwedelStatistics Altmarkkreis Salzwedel 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Altmarkkreis Salzwedel